Wednesday, 19 August 2015

Klingon Strike Force

Again, hat tip to federation shipyards for the idea:

I.K.S. Pagh [I.K.S. Pagh] (26)
Kargan [I.K.S. Pagh] (4)
Drex [I.K.S. Negh'var] (4)
Total (34)

I.K.S. Maht-H'A [Starter] (28)
Martok [I.K.S. Negh'var] (5)
Fleet Captain: Klingon [Fleet Captain Resource] (5)
Defense Condition One [IKS Ch'tang] (0)
Alexander [I.K.S. Koraga] (3)
Bu'Kah [I.K.S. Somraw] (4)
Tritium Intermix [I.K.S. B'Moth] (4)
Total (49)

I.K.S. Negh'var [I.K.S. Negh'var] (30)
Worf [I.K.S. Koraga] (3)
N'Garen [I.K.S. Koraga] (4)
Total (37)

Fleet total: 120

The Negh'var acts as a command ship and to some extent a damage sponge. Martok can hand out 2 free actions a turn to the other two ships, whilst the Pagh and Maht'h'a have some very good quality on their attacks. It's brutal, straightforward and only requires a little finesse to effectively pilot it...but it about as Klingon as Klingons can be!


  1. If you did not have access to the cards from the B'Moth, what would you suggest as a suitable replacement?

    1. I might change from the named Vor'Cha to the generic and swap the Tritium Intermix to perhaps the Projected Stasis Field... That's if you want to go all offence at least. People tend to react "badly" to the PSF here at least after watching their prized ship get taken down easily (Borg especially dislike it)... Else perhaps Kommel to get Shields back? Just my opinion of course :-)

  2. Worth pointing out that the Klingon fleet captain will let Martok give HIMSELF a free action instead of one of the others, if you choose to.

  3. @Brigman - he could if he had any crew to take advantage of it, be he doesn't.

    @Typheron There isn't anything that does exactly the same thing, but 4 points can be used in a variety of ways to improve the attacking power of the fleet
