Wednesday, 19 August 2015

A Challenge: Beat this ship!

I have a challenge for you all...

My venue does not retire resources. It does not enforce the 50/3 limits. It does run Ship Pure (not fleet pure) I'm convinced that the following ship can not be beaten... Your challenge is to prove otherwise!

U.S.S. Voyager [U.S.S. Voyager] (30)
Flagship: Independent (Romulan) [Flagship Resource] (10)
Jean-Luc Picard [U.S.S. Enterprise-E] (5)
Adm Maxwell Forrest [Enterprise NX-01] (3)
Computer Analysis [Sakharov] (4)
Ilia [U.S.S. Enterprise (Refit)] (4)
Hikaru Sulu [U.S.S. Enterprise (Refit)] (3)
Pavel Chekov [U.S.S. Reliant] (3)
William T. Riker [U.S.S. Enterprise-E] (5)
Tom Paris [U.S.S. Voyager] (4)
Elizabeth Shelby [U.S.S. Yeager] (2)
Multi-adaptive Shields [U.S.S. Raven] (5)
Systems Upgrade [U.S.S. Hood] (2)
Total (80)

Fleet total: 80

Generated by Space Dock for iOS

So using the same restrictions, let's see if anyone can come up with something that could reliably beat Evader-Voyager.

Edit: to make it into a full 120 fleet...

U.S.S. Voyager [U.S.S. Voyager] (30)
Flagship: Independent (Romulan) [Flagship Resource] (10)
Jean-Luc Picard [U.S.S. Enterprise-E] (5)
Adm Maxwell Forrest [Enterprise NX-01] (3)
Computer Analysis [Sakharov] (4)
Ilia [U.S.S. Enterprise (Refit)] (4)
Hikaru Sulu [U.S.S. Enterprise (Refit)] (3)
Pavel Chekov [U.S.S. Reliant] (3)
William T. Riker [U.S.S. Enterprise-E] (5)
Tom Paris [U.S.S. Voyager] (4)
Elizabeth Shelby [U.S.S. Yeager] (2)
Multi-adaptive Shields [U.S.S. Raven] (5)
Systems Upgrade [U.S.S. Hood] (2)
Transphasic Torpedoes [U.S.S. Voyager] (10)
Transphasic Torpedoes [U.S.S. Voyager] (10)
Total (100)

Federation Attack Squadron [Fighter Squadron 6] (20)
Total (20)

Fleet total: 120

Generated by Space Dock for iOS


  1. Well, if you're not running with the "suggested" format topping out at 50 points/ship... My first thought would be that a Borg Cube...

    Tactical Cube 138
    Borg Missile and/or Magnetometric Guided Charge
    Feedback Pulse
    Borg Ablative Armor (x2)

    And probably something like a Romulan Scout/Science Vessel with Donatra to fill to 120...

    So, pretty much the ship that almost killed STAW locally :-)

  2. I'd put my Klingon Heavy Fleet up against battleship Voyager. The gauntlet has been thrown down!

  3. Paul, has to be ship pure, so Weyoun Varel doesn't work...

  4. List Name Not ship pure but would make an interesting fight none the less

    Resource Officer exchange program: Fed Borg

    Scout 255 (24)
    Mr. Spock (3)
    Lojour (2)
    Magnetometric Guided Charge (5)
    Data Node (3)
    Transwarp Signal (4)
    Ship SP: 41

    Scout 608 (24)
    Khan Singh (4)
    Rebellion (5)
    Sakonna (3)
    Tactical Station (3)
    Magnetometric Guided Charge (3)
    Aft Particle Beam (0)
    Dispersion Field (2)
    Ship SP: 44

    Borg Scout Cube (22)
    Jean-Luc Picard - Weapon (4)
    Magnetometric Guided Charge (5)
    Transwarp Signal (4)
    Ship SP: 35

    Total Build SP: 120

    Generated by STAW Builder
