Recently there has been a lot of discussion both on the Facebook group ( and the BGG Board ( about how certain expansions (the Enterprise-E, Praetus, Negh'Var etc.) becoming difficult to find expansions. Someone also commented saying they have had a conversation with a Wizkids rep who suggested that old expansions like this would NOT be reprinted. Given that this is the case, newer players to ST:AW are having to make do without these expansions when fleet building. This gave me an idea for a challenge:
Using only the starter set, and the expansions, prize ships and reinforcement boosters from 2015, build a competitive fleet pure build to 120 points.
I've had a fiddle around with this, and the two fleets I have come up with are Federation and Romulan.
1. Federation:
U.S.S. Hathaway [U.S.S. Hathaway] (22)
William T. Riker [U.S.S. Hathaway] (4)
Worf [U.S.S. Hathaway] (5)
Type 8 Phaser Array [U.S.S. Hood] (2)
Arsenal [U.S.S. Phoenix] (4)
Upgraded Phasers [U.S.S. Lakota] (3)
Total (40)
U.S.S. Prometheus [U.S.S. Prometheus] (30)
Jean-Luc Picard [Starter] (6)
Total (36)
Delta Flyer [Delta Flyer] (20)
Ronald Moore [U.S.S. Pegasus] (1)
Systems Upgrade [U.S.S. Hood] (2)
Eric Motz [U.S.S. Pegasus] (2)
Immersion Shielding [Delta Flyer] (3)
Parametallic Hull Plating [Delta Flyer] (2)
Unimatrix Shielding [Delta Flyer] (5)
Arsenal [U.S.S. Phoenix] (4)
Type 8 Phaser Array [U.S.S. Hood] (2)
Upgraded Phasers [U.S.S. Lakota] (3)
Total (44)
Fleet total: 120
The Prometheus is a ship that, on its own, is a pretty good ship. a Slashline of 5/1/4/5 is a good place to build from and it has an okay manoeuvre dial too. All I've done here is to put Picard on this ship from the starter to give it better action economy to make the most of the 5 PWV. At 36 points it is pretty cheap for what it can do, although suffers from poor coverage so will require a good pilot to make the most of it.
The Hathaway also benefits from good action economy, and its hull of 4 probably doesn't make the most of Hathaway Riker as captain. When it does benefit from Riker's ability, it will essentially be firing at 6 PWV with a front arc of 180. Hathaway Worf provides some survivability although the re-enabled needed to use him every turn makes it somewhat worse than it perhaps could be. If everything works as intended, it could have a 6 dice PWV attack with both TL and BS. It does lack some in Hull and Shields, but could easily be upgraded if needed with Systems Upgrade and Unimatrix Shielding - this build doesn't have the points for that though, since they are used up in the Delta Flyer.
The Flyer uses Moore to get access to BS and with the combination of Type 8 Phasers and Upgraded Phasers can have access to TL and BS for a turn at 5 PWV. Its low hull is made up for by having Parametallic Hull Plating, Unimatrix Shielding and a systems upgrade to finish out at a slashline of essentially 5/2/2/7.
So three ships, all potentially with high quality on an attack, with some survivability and some survivability. All of the pieces needed for this build are relatively available, with the possible exception of needing two USS Hoods and Two USS Lakotas for the double Type 8 Phasers and Upgraded Phasers. The Build also doesn't really have any trouble dealing with either Fighters (2 sets of upgraded phasers) or Attack Cancellation (3 ships firing with 5 dice), but the Flier might struggle if faced with either Admiral Decker or Bioship Omega pilot. If this is the case, I'd suggest docking the Flier and transferring its tech over to the Prometheus.
EDIT: I've gotten quite a lot of flack for running upgrades from two USS Hoods and two USS Lakotas, so I'm planning to re-do this list sans prize-ships. As it is though, using only releases from 2015, the above list stands.
All in all I think this is a pretty solid build, with a good amount of flexibility.
2. Romulans
I.R.W. Haakona [I.R.W. Haakona] (30)
Taris [I.R.W. Haakona] (4)
Adm Mendak [I.R.W. Haakona] (4)
Romulan Security Officer [I.R.W. Haakona] (2)
Romulan Security Officer [I.R.W. Haakona] (2)
Romulan Security Officer [I.R.W. Haakona] (2)
Total (44)
I.R.W. Vrax [I.R.W. Vrax] (30)
Suran [I.R.W. Vrax] (4)
Tal Shiar [I.R.W. Belak] (5)
Romulan Helmsman [I.R.W. Haakona] (2)
Romulan Security Officer [I.R.W. Haakona] (2)
Total (43)
Prototype 01 [Prototype 01] (24)Gareb [Prototype 01] (0 overridden to 1)
Alidar Jarok [R.I.S. Talvath] (4 overridden to 0)
Counter Attack [Starter] (3)
Disruptor Beams [I.R.W. Haakona] (5)Total (33)
Fleet total: 120
Taris' Haakona starts the game of at CS 10 and PWV 5, as the game goes on you can use the RSOs to re-roll defence dice, then discard them with Taris' ability to fire in 360. Mendak's fleet action can be used to give these attacks quality, and the Ship's action can provide TL.
The Named Vrax is chosen solely for its extra shield (as I don't rate the named ability) with Suran providing some quality for the Vrax's attacks. Tal Shiar can be discarded for the BS token (more than the dial 'peeking' ability and the Helmsman and RSO help manoeivrebilty and survivability respectively. It's starting CS is 7, nothing to be laughed at and Suran's action can help to add dice quality even when TL isn't available.
The Prototype has some teeth thanks to disruptor pulse and counter attack, but can also be used as a support ship to take Mendak's fleet action when needed.
I do quite like this build, but I don't think it is as effective as the Federation one. You'll need the Reinforcement booster Belak and a couple of Haakona's to make this build, but neither of those pieces seem to be that difficult to come across. Some may also balk at having to purchase the Talveth for just the one card, in which case you could swap out Jarok for Toreth without having to change anything else.
So, there are my two submissions, I'd love to see someone have a go at Klingons and Mirror Universe using their releases from this year. It seems Borg and Dominion would struggle to make anything given only this year's releases, but if anyone does come up with anything else, I'd be delighted to see it!
Happy New Year everyone, I'm Not Picard.
I guess the advantage for the Borg and Dominion are, their ships are not "rare air" in terms of availability. I see pretty much the full gamut of their units on the pegs at my FLGS, and they seem easily available online.